TRUE is holding an open nomination election to fill ONE seat for a Representative on the CTA State Council of Education, and ONE seat for an Alternate, both with a three (3) year term that begins on June 26, 2023 and expires on June 25, 2026.
A candidate statement of no more than 30 words may be submitted along with the Declaration of Candidacy form, together with a signed acknowledgement of CTA campaigning rules, to be received no later than 4:00 pm on March 7, 2023 at the TRUE office.
“The State Council of Education is the statewide representative body of CTA, and serves as its legislative and policymaking body. It considers and acts upon proposals affecting the welfare of the public schools of California; it elects the CTA Executive Officers and other Board of Directors members, determines CTA membership dues and adopts the CTA annual budget.”