Know Your Rights!

  1. Civility Policy and Incident Report Form (TRUSD)
  2. Classification in a Nutshell (Probationary, Permanent, Temporary, etc.)
  3. Duty to Report when an Employee is Attacked, Assaulted, or Physically Threatened (10/2019)
    1. (Ed Code 44014)
  4. Employee Liability Insurance (updated 8/2019)
  5. Evaluations (updated 7/2019)
  6. Instructions when Injured on the Job (TRUSD)
  7. Legal Advice Memo – Campaign Activities (Union Buttons/Posters in Cars)
  8. Legal Rights of LGBT Employees & Students
    1. LGBTQ+ Resources & LGBTQ+ Resources for Youth
    2. LGBTQ+ Links (Legislation, Organizations, Curriculum, Anti-Bullying, Safe Schools Resources Guide)
  9. Non-Reelect Fact Sheet
  10. Parent visits to the Classroom (Ed Code 49091.10 & 448111)
  11. Restroom Maintenance Complaint form
  12. Right to be Represented (Weingarten Rights)
    1. Know your Rights when facing charges of serious misconduct!
  13. Pregnancy-Related Rights & Information:
    1. Breaks for Nursing Mothers (updated 8/2019)
    2. Personal Leave for Child-Related Activities (updated 2/2019)
    3. Pregnancy & Parental Leave (updated 8/2018)
    4. Guide to Pregnancy Disability and Baby Bonding Leave (updated 8/2018)
  14. Suspension Information:
    1. Suspension of a Student From Your Classroom FAQ’s
    2. Summary of Reasons Teacher can SUSPEND STUDENTS from Classroom – FOR UP TO 2 DAYS
    3. Suspension-or-Expulsion-of-Students
    4. Suspension from Classroom
  15. Undocumented Students and Families: The Facts (1/2017)
  16. What is the difference between a temporary employee and a probationary employee?
  17. When Can A Teacher “Safely” Walk Away from their job?
  18. Williams Act Uniform Compliant Form